noodi10 (20:16:10) zoi you can just be like MY BABY NEEDS THIS BURGER
mirrorbird (20:15:57) yeah my general rule is do the opposite of what zoi does (i think the late great Douglas Adams had a joke along these lines)
noodi10 (20:15:52) ohhhh lmao
zoi (20:15:29) that's what I do
zoi (20:15:28) just shove people away and go ahead of them
mirrorbird (20:15:25) WHY DON'T YOU JUST MAKE A BURGER AT HOME -- ahhhhemm, excuse me, do you want to destroy the economy
mirrorbird (20:15:05) i don't mean a necta queue, wot all of us believes in, i mean waiting to get a table in the rest-au-rant.
noodi10 (20:14:40) what you mean you dont like the idea of fuckin queue
mirrorbird (20:08:24) lol. considered. but i don't like the idea of fuckin' queue
mirrorbird (20:08:06) if you get to the newly-opening Rosa's Thai in Reading tomorrow, you can get a free meal, check it out.
Time Left: 5:22
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