mirrorbird (22:38:15) HD: cool, do they go on trips together, or is that SOOOOOO UNCOOOOL
Rapture (22:38:08) #yespolitix
mirrorbird (22:38:00) jeeping what a strange word.
Rapture (22:38:00) happy :waves:
Rapture (22:37:38) nice you got there mirror
mirrorbird (22:37:33) sitting with one's nose in the manual, it's very 80s UNBOXING
Agemixer (22:37:14) same here.... #yespolitix
mirrorbird (22:37:11) Age: it's like asm, i know the ideas, i can "do it when i see it" but just have almost zero real experience
HappyDude (22:37:07) Rappy - hi!!! Mirror - Thery are super into outdoors / camping / canoing / Jeeping
mirrorbird (22:36:42) sunday trading laws have a complicated history...
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