Rapture (22:25:29) I love it! from 1984!
Rapture (22:25:26) you know Siso song?
mirrorbird (22:25:14) Sisu sounds like more ironic/parody
Rapture (22:25:05) it's at least funny!
Rapture (22:25:01) watch fist of the north star
Rapture (22:24:56) i hit ya, u die, hahaah, next one, and so on!
Rapture (22:24:36) it's brutal movie then , brainless
Rapture (22:24:25) john wick........ enuff read
Agemixer (22:22:40) YouTube Link
mirrorbird (22:22:17) (reading wikipedia plotline)
Time Left: 1:30
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