mirrorbird (00:09:02) the ZX Spectrum god "alone-coder" also disappeared a while ago, hopefully not to the army. fuck war
latter (00:08:51) maybe, i didnt talk with him
mirrorbird (00:08:17) russia is fuckin large so i don't know what to believe.
mirrorbird (00:07:58) btw latter: did you see Seymour? i talked to the man, his connection was slow, he could barely watch a youtube video. is this siberia?
latter (00:07:56) i have 386 from early times
mirrorbird (00:07:25) that's got no connection to current issues (like .ru-.ua conflict) it was always true
mirrorbird (00:06:48) she says what she is told to say. -- that can be dangerous. but -- tourism, hell, you want to please people.
latter (00:06:14) your sister have a good basis
mirrorbird (00:05:49) i remember one that said "America: land of adult children"
mirrorbird (00:05:15) i just know because of epic RUSH demos
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