Rapture (21:09:17) hence: rivertalk (iRL talk)
Rapture (21:09:11) so it's misunderstandings times (x) misuderstandings (or hard to write stuff)
Rapture (21:08:59) in another language, too
Rapture (21:08:56) it#s very difficult
Rapture (21:08:54) yeah, exactly !!!
Rapture (21:08:49) I'd just listen to you then talking about it. learn some german, FFS!
mirrorbird (21:08:43) one cannot philosophise on oneliner very much.
Rapture (21:08:36) if you get me.
Rapture (21:08:35) ah yeah tl;dr (righ now!) but those topics would be nice to discuss at the RIVER
mirrorbird (21:08:27) one of my old IRC names was "to_be_a_bat", i really liked Nagel
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