mirrorbird (23:18:53) well somebody said "eyeroll is a bad smiley beacuse it can only cause disagreement" (or something), but i thought he was just automatically hating anything i did. -- maybe true though. i hardly use it myself.
Rapture (23:18:50) monitor
Rapture (23:18:45) the left motor looks.. GRUFFY !!! lol
Rapture (23:18:18) more like 2023 ?
mirrorbird (23:18:16) HD: what a lovely autumn model shot (do you say autumn or fall? CAREFUL, i will judge you)
Rapture (23:17:56) yes eyeroll (c) mirror 2014
Rapture (23:17:50) nice happy
mirrorbird (23:17:39) finally somebody uses the eyeroll
Rapture (23:17:36) not? oh
HappyDude (23:17:33) My demo family... https://i.ibb.co
Time Left: 5:41
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