mirrorbird (02:24:07) especially for any rare local machines (i'm fascinated by the australian "Microbee")
mirrorbird (02:23:51) i hope finland has such things too
mirrorbird (02:23:42) there are a couple of others around. heh
mirrorbird (02:23:20) by the way, here's the museum i mentioned (if you, or nerd friends, are in england, it's very good) -- https://www.museumofcomputing.org.uk
mirrorbird (02:21:59) i know writing english is a pain, but better than my bot-assisted finnish
juN3bula (02:21:55) should we all make our life
mirrorbird (02:21:34) ahh, again i don't understand what you're saying sorry, rephrase
juN3bula (02:21:04) Sure different thing, but why make museum 4home. Sure you're granddaughters granddaughters will make o million of them but
juN3bula (02:19:03) Computers heh sure later comments ^^
juN3bula (02:18:34) I really don't get it to collect all the comments to your man gave neather
Time Left: 1:57
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