Rapture (13:45:56) hahaha, I made a funny!
Rapture (13:45:51) canibals: lets meat each other
Rapture (13:43:06) mirrori o/ PMSs!!
Rapture (13:43:02) Coli o/
mirrorbird (13:42:38) bič is no way to talk about your old granny
Colidace (13:41:41) Rapture o/
Rapture (13:26:32) Supertramp style
Rapture (13:26:30) It's raining again... whohoooooo it's raining again.
Rapture (13:26:19) HIYA!
zoi (13:19:54) but she told me not to play with my food
Time Left: 1:32
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