mirrorbird (23:29:20) it was this video of a woman in Morocco, who threw an object at an ostrich (i don't know why!) and then the ostrich chased her, and kicked her. like she deserved. (that's not the funny part, wait)
Rapture (23:28:56) haha, pls tell.
Rapture (23:28:50) i dont agree!
Rapture (23:28:43) drinking vodka is da plan.
mirrorbird (23:28:34) earlier i saw something really funny (you might not agree, but listen, and see)
Rapture (23:28:32) hahha are ya VODKANO
Rapture (23:28:29) mildly surprise
mirrorbird (23:28:25)
Rapture (23:28:19) (oha is very german)
Rapture (23:28:15) never held a chicken? oha.
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