Machforr (18:37:07) "When I'm only half a mannnn"~~~
Machforr (18:35:59) needs a neigh in there
mirrorbird (18:34:42) half man, half machine, what does it mean? what does it meeeee-ean
Spiral (18:33:36) Haaalf horse, half man! uuh
mirrorbird (18:33:22) oi oi Spiral
Spiral (18:33:08) Indeed
Machforr (18:32:55) spreading like butter on toast
Spiral (18:31:12) Spread the word!
Machforr (18:31:06) and then download them to listen on repeat to save bandwidth
Spiral (18:31:04) LISTEN NAO!
Time Left: 4:30
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