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AMIGA-MODCrema Lubricante by flag Tempest (Janne Suni)
Requested By: djrandom

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General » Unlock requests

Forums » General » Unlock requests (15 posts)
Pages: 1
Author Thread
Unplayed Requester™

96 Posts
#2026 (1 year, 10 months ago)
A Final Hyperbase is probably a good tune. Not sure why it was locked. Can it be unlocked?

348 Posts
#2027 (1 year, 10 months ago)
I don't remember the details, but IIRC this was locked because it sounds identical to the original, making it essentially a duplicate track. I just now listened to it, and I think I can confirm that. One can discern subtle differences due to the platform, sure, but it's a straight up copy of the original hyperbase.
Unplayed Requester™

96 Posts
#2028 (1 year, 10 months ago)
I understand. Thank you for listening to it to check. I appreciate your efforts!
Unplayed Requester™

96 Posts
#2110 (1 year, 6 months ago)
Crosswords is very good. I downloaded it from the CSDb release that is linked on the tunes' page on Nectarine. I would be in favor of unlocking.

348 Posts
#2111 (1 year, 6 months ago)
Hi, I don't know why this was rejected many years ago. The file is currently missing, but you can replace it by clicking the star next to the song status.
Unplayed Requester™

96 Posts
#2187 (1 year, 4 months ago)
I tried the following: SID uploads are not possible, converting to OGG or FLAC in VLC creates an endless tune, and I found no online converter to run a SID into OGG or FLAC yet.
Unplayed Requester™

96 Posts
#2386 (10 months, 1 week ago)
Battle Squadron is pretty good and other game remixes by Dr. Future were not rejected. Therefore, I am requesting a unlocking of this tune.

348 Posts
#2388 (10 months, 1 week ago)
Hi, sorry, but a) we don't have the file for that tune; b) the other game remixes should probably undergo some pruning, as there are a lot of them.
Unplayed Requester™

96 Posts
#2424 (9 months ago)
Battle Squadron is available from

Boundless is on file at Nectarine. It is pretty good, not sure why it was rejected. I am requesting an unlock.

348 Posts
#2425 (9 months ago)
No idea why Boundless was rejected; I've reactivated it.

Game music will not be reactivated, sorry. It is being phased out, as discussed elsewhere. Some very popular game tunes and remakes will stay available, but on the whole, game soundtracks aren't meant for the stream here.

31 Posts
#2426 (9 months ago)
Quote: "Hi, I don't know why this was rejected many years ago. The file is currently missing, but you can replace it by clicking the star next to the song status. "

It seems to be the same sid, Sidplay says it's from 1988, so not really a remix. Also the same song length. Perhaps it has been rejected therefore.
Unplayed Requester™

96 Posts
#2427 (9 months ago)
Thank you for reactivating Boundless, nyingen!
symptomless coma

430 Posts
#2429 (9 months ago)
Is that "Boundless" not a duplicate? Now we have two of the same length: Boundless and Boundless

348 Posts
#2431 (9 months ago)
Hm, so it is. Thanks for catching that. I guess for some reason the duplicate track was marked as "Rejected" rather than "Dupe". Fixed now.
Unplayed Requester™

96 Posts
#2463 (8 months ago)
A nice game music remix: Bone Wagon, for Bones
Pages: 1

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