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Off-topic » Bilou : School Rush

Pages: 1
Author Thread
DS homebrewer

4 Posts
#242 (6 years, 1 month ago)
I can't help. I need to spread the word.

For 5 years, I've been polishing pixels and lines of code to turn a teenagers dream into reality. Ok, we had the Amiga in mind as the target platform back in 1993, and it gets eventually got released as a NDS homebrew, but here it is nonetheless:

You can find more info about it on my blog.

May the source be with you all.
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#248 (6 years, 1 month ago)
It looks very cute! The visual style reminds me of the Addams Family game on the 16-bit consoles.

Also reminds me of a game idea from my own (pre?)-teenage years, about a little ball that had to travel through the various regions of a school, the classroom, kitchens, playing-field, etc. It was the little ball out of an ink cartridge. Clearly must have dreamed this up while messing around with pens in a boring lesson.
DS homebrewer

4 Posts
#249 (6 years, 1 month ago)
The Adams family was clearly a back-of-my-mind reference when I had to draw glass pipes for the ink. Glad you picked it as a comparison: it had quality pixel art.

I've been told by pixel artists from the game industry that they have to fight a lot against programmers willing to keep their initial "ball with eyes" hero design a lot. And yeah, we sure have lots of time to think about how to abuse school supplies to make all sort of tricks. But I'm glad you had similar plans: it makes it the implementation of a collective subconscious thing ^_^
Pages: 1

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