d_vibe (13:34:57)
d_vibe (13:34:55) Thanks for your look and your advices D
Rapture (13:28:30) haha I love that. from AVGN.
Rapture (13:28:27) it's my opinion that it's FACT that....
Rapture (13:28:01) send moneys to LW@MONEYS.ORG
LittleWhite (13:27:55) It is also free to give me money, trust me
Rapture (13:27:48) hahaha LW
Rapture (13:27:41) hi LW!
Rapture (13:27:40) it's a strange page alright!
LittleWhite (13:27:39) That was my free, unwanted feedback. It is free, but I also accept money
Time Left: 3:45
A history of play requests for song Sä Vain Oot Mun