Rapture (23:47:59) YEPPO
Rapture (23:47:58) windoze95
Rapture (23:47:55) you are friend if u like that song
Rapture (23:41:39) you are not my friend if you dont like that song, fara
Rapture (23:36:59) what means windaube
faraday (23:31:15) windaube
Rapture (23:28:53) Atmosphere of Landstalker: Like Disney's Gummibears. So if you ever wanted to play a game that's similar to that atmo, play it
Rapture (23:27:06)
Rapture (23:27:04) cousin and me were around 15yo when we played it, and it was beatable. But needs a lot of brain to get thru it..... WHATTA GREAT GAME >3
Rapture (23:25:23) I'd rate this game as good as Zelda Link To The Past on the SNES.
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