zoi (09:49:22) it's science, bitches
zoi (09:47:06) https://www.space.com
zoi (09:46:11) or tellus as we astrologists like to call it
zoi (09:45:55) no, but earth has a temporary second moon for a couple of weeks
Colidace (09:41:56) d_vibe, Rapture, LittleWhite, zoi o/
LittleWhite (09:34:14) Oh, you did buy a moon?
zoi (09:30:09) speaking of which, it looks like the weather will be clear enough to see our new moon tonight
zoi (09:29:56) this sounds a bit like the moon
d_vibe (09:23:55)
d_vibe (09:23:15) o/
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