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PC (other)Iron Lord by flag Moog (Sebastian Bachliński)
Requested By: flagmaep

Time Left: 3:06

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Forums » General » Report bugs here! (236 posts)
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46 Posts
#1475 (4 years, 2 months ago)
OK, thanks, I will continue trying to figure the other half of the user script. Then someone else can "mix" it with the server code.

46 Posts
#1480 (4 years, 2 months ago)
Workaround user script for Greasemonkey, etc extensions in all its printf-debugging glory.
Now you can de-funny-fy and include in server scripts. Or people can install in browser.
It only applies to queue page, to not overload things; fix for all pages would be just the #nowplaying part.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Force Necta song timer refresh
// @namespace AtomicReindeer
// @description Check periodically and force a refresh if appears stuck at 00:00
// @include
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

/* Seconds to wait between first failed check and the recheck (B) that could request page
Periodic checks (A) of the song timer are double that: A_A_ABA_A_A_A_A_ABA_A...
If too low, like 5, it can force a reload with stuck song at the max, not 00:00
That seems to be related to jingles creating an invisible song without countdown...
so maybe use longest jingle time? */
var Wait = 20;
/* If set to 20:
shortest case is "checking just after becoming stuck", so 20.x sec for update
longest case is "just before", so 39.x for next periodic check, and 59.x for update */

/* Report counter at zero, probably stuck */
function Woof() {
return ($('span[data-name="counter"]').attr("data-sec") == 0);

/* The real watchdog, doing the heavy lifting */
function Gromit() {
/* Recheck to avoid wasted requests, maybe it self-fixed while waiting */
if (Woof()) {
/*Load page once and split interesting parts to patch stale data */
function(FullPage) {
var Song = $("#nowplaying", FullPage);
var Queue = $('div[data-name="queue"]', FullPage);
var History = $('div[data-name="history"]', FullPage);
/*console.log("Waffles with cheese! Waaaaaaaaaaaaffles!");*/

/* Watchdog's lazy owner, not doing much */
function Wallace() {
/* Check if 00:00, then let the dog do the work after some time */
if (Woof()) {
window.setTimeout(Gromit, Wait*1000);

/* Will check every 40 seconds if Wait is 20 */
window.setInterval(Wallace, Wait*2*1000);

It could be improved for the case in which the page returns the same song, making the timer get stuck at full length instead of 00:00. Then it could check with smaller period, but would require logic to store past song and compare if retrieved the same again.

Edit: CSS needs "font-family: fixed;" for bbcode class. And something to show the identation (spaces).
Edit2: Found it, "white-space: pre;" or something similar. And if you wonder, The Curse of the Were-Rabbit.

46 Posts
#1482 (4 years, 2 months ago)
Confirmed, jingles and Wait 20 do not play nice. Must be higher, 35 or whatever is needed to "jump" longest jingle.

Or replace waits with, for example, DelayLoad = 40 and PeriodicCheck = 10 + DelayLoad, as in v2 script. Longest jingle seems to be 38 seconds (from tag cloud), lets hope 2 second difference is enough. Otherwise I will try with the other ideas about checking for "stuck song loaded again because jingle or whatever", but I think that would need some extra help from server in the form of new attributes somewhere. We will see in some weeks...

Left the logs enabled, so you can see in browser console how it's going.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Force Necta song timer refresh
// @namespace AtomicReindeer
// @description Check periodically and force a refresh if appears stuck at 00:00
// @include
// @version 2
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

/* Wait after basic check is failed, to avoid loading when things are working */
var DelayLoad = 40;
/* Wait between recurrent checks, must be bigger than DelayLoad */
var PeriodicCheck = 10 + DelayLoad;

/* Report counter at zero, so probably stuck */
function Woof() {
return ($('span[data-name="counter"]').attr("data-sec") == 0);

/* The real watchdog, doing the heavy lifting */
function Gromit() {
/* Recheck to avoid wasted requests, maybe it self-fixed while waiting */
if (Woof()) {
function(FullPage) {
var Song = $("#nowplaying", FullPage);
var Queue = $('div[data-name="queue"]', FullPage);
var History = $('div[data-name="history"]', FullPage);
console.log("Waffles with cheese! Waaaaaaaaaaaaffles!");

/* Watchdog lazy owner, not doing much */
function Wallace() {
/* Check if 00:00, then let the dog do the work after some time */
if (Woof()) {
window.setTimeout(Gromit, DelayLoad*1000);

/* PeriodicCheck better be bigger than DelayLoad */
window.setInterval(Wallace, PeriodicCheck*1000);

Spoilers... for when/if that gets added.

Does the Quote thing near the bottom of posts work for anyone? Or stupid browser here? Edit Post works, but Quote appears as normal text and does nothing.
Amiga&C64 rulez

299 Posts
#1493 (4 years, 1 month ago)
Well this is not a real bug, but i wanted to know if EACH song played has the same volume level, cos when working i need a lower volume and i noticed that each song could have a different volume ? Or is it due to the instrument or song itself (composer play with volume level ?).

Amiga&C64 rulez

299 Posts
#1563 (3 years, 11 months ago)
You should modify the words under Ben Daglish bio :

Daglish lives in Derbyshire where he still composes" Well, so bad but hes dead so idk if he still composes...:(
symptomless coma

424 Posts
#1564 (3 years, 11 months ago)
I have changed Ben Daglish's bio to past tense.
Gone... to look for Good Old Nectarine

9 Posts
#1571 (3 years, 10 months ago)
YOUTUBE playback bug:

For more than a month (~ from the beginning of 2021) there is no YouTube playback, when the option "Show YouTube videoes in Currently Playing:" is enabled in the profile.

I hope someone from the admins can fix this problem.

46 Posts
#1748 (2 years, 10 months ago)
Has the past weekend maintenance changed the code/config about "now playing"? IOW, should I investigate a newer version of the script?

338 Posts
#1749 (2 years, 10 months ago)
No code changes were made during the server maintenance. We were applying security updates to the OS.

46 Posts
#1750 (2 years, 10 months ago)
OK, so thinking about a new version of the script is not a waste of time.

Enabling upload for "Song Legacy Flag: R" entries would improve the site without having to touch the server code. Staff has to approve them anyway, right?

13 Posts
#1754 (2 years, 10 months ago)
flag King Thrill (Sauli Korhonen) website link is no longer working :/

338 Posts
#1755 (2 years, 10 months ago)
Tezar: that's too bad. I put a note in the artist info that the link is broken, in case anyone wants to look it up in the Wayback Machine.

5 Posts
#1775 (2 years, 9 months ago) does not work. Certificate expired 220331. Can't stream from work.

5 Posts
#1786 (2 years, 9 months ago)
Anyone know how to get in touch with the guys behind scenestream( Their certificate is still expired so I can't listen to the stream. That was actually the only one I could use and now it is also gone This of course don't just affect me but everyone using the same security level.

338 Posts
#1787 (2 years, 9 months ago)
Looking into it now, skyldig.
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