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PC-XMAmbientnation-Epilogue by flag Dan (Daniel Lulkowski)
Requested By: flagColidace

Time Left: 4:11

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Forums » General » Report bugs here! (238 posts)
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Author Thread
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#42 (6 years, 5 months ago)
@oldchap - to answer a few of your notes...

1) Remix info for anything more recent (say, since 2018) is probably lost and will need re-adding. There is remix links in the data for older songs, but the site wasn't scraped in several months. I'm not sure but I think the last crawl was around November 2017.

2) "Added By" for Artists is as complete as we can get it: nobody was keeping that, so I got what I could from pages on - and there weren't a lot. I suppose if you knew what artists you had added, someone can make you the "Adder".


I agree that getting the external links is important (AMP, Modarchive, etc) - I'll try to get those recovered in the next day or two : )

2 Posts
#43 (6 years, 5 months ago)
"Generic links" on song info is limited to 80 characters. Some links are longer.
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#44 (6 years, 5 months ago)
Not specifically a "bug" but what is with the 1-2-3-4-5 numbers written across the vote stars? I've never seen ANY other star-voting site do this. It seems pointless: we know how to count: it's just visual noise.

29 Posts
#46 (6 years, 5 months ago)
Remix info has now been updated (it doubled over a little). Info is up-to-date for songs that were played (as they went out of request history anyway), and all song HTML pages had a pass and were saved last May-June.
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#48 (6 years, 5 months ago)
@Oldchap: I was able to recover 12;000 or so "extra resources" links from site scrapes, plus another 400 for Artists and a handful for Groups. These are things like the AMP, Demozoo, Pouet, Youtube, Soundcloud etc. from the "Add Links" page.

9 Posts
#50 (6 years, 5 months ago)
I hope this belongs here since somewhere between a bug and a featurerequest:

At the moment you get an unnecessary email-notification of your own reply to a forum-post right after posting it.

20 Posts
#51 (6 years, 5 months ago)
STS-136 & Phlubby:

Great work guys--nice job getting the remix info and download links restored. Three days ago you said that we probably lost all the remix data, but now it's back.

Keep it up!
VODKA & kalsarikännit!

6 Posts
#52 (6 years, 5 months ago)
Queue column icon is not centered in all tables like it used to be.

20 Posts
#53 (6 years, 5 months ago)
I notice that the Necta player is working now, but I think there are still some issues with it. I noticed that it was getting out of sync with the queue, so I simply refreshed the window holding the player, but after it refreshed it began playing the song that had been playing when I first opened the player, i.e. it went back 2 hours and somehow still had cached all of the music that had been playing since I opened it. There was no clear way to make the player sync to the queue and play the current song.
.еру .зкщпкфь .цшдд .ьфлу .нщг .рфззн

22 Posts
#54 (6 years, 5 months ago)
Certain songs cannot be queued even though they’re marked as Active and their last request was a long, long time ago.
AMIGA-MODMountain High Comp by flag Tricktrax (Martin Buch)

PC-XMDJ MoHax Disco (02) by flag Massage (Alexander Monahov)

PC (other)Double Dragon 3 Level 1B Remix by flag Darkman007 (Vladimir Tugay)

PC-XMAs You're Conjured Up by flag Nagz (David Halmi)

AMIGA-AHXFlow My Tears by flag Pink (Manfred Linzner)
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#55 (6 years, 5 months ago)
@MyO - you must check the "Legacy Flag" for these songs:
Song Legacy Flag: M

If you see an R, the tune is "R"ipped / recovered, and can be played.
If it is an M, the associated mp3 is "M"issing - even though it should be active, there is no track behind it to play!

We are still uploading tunes from old streamrips (ers35 estimates ~250 or so per day I think) so M should be steadily getting replaced with R. I think a nice feature would be a separate lock icon for "not queueable until later date" and "never queueable", is pretty low on the backlog though
VODKA & kalsarikännit!

6 Posts
#59 (6 years, 5 months ago)
It seems that Morning at the Lake has 'tail' with something else (can't confirm as can't request it again to be sure)

16 Posts
#60 (6 years, 5 months ago)
Funky Sushi ends apruptly (Mystra confirmed that that's not intended)
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#61 (6 years, 5 months ago)
@Vodkabot, @Shinobi - can you direct song fixes to forum Correct DB Info instead? This post is meant for site code problems... issues with the DB (song, artist, compilation etc. info) can go to the other.

We have more mods that can make DB tweaks than we have coders, so it should get fixed faster
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#62 (6 years, 5 months ago)
I corrected some Platform information today. AdLib is now OPLL, with an icon. The PXTone is replaced with PC (Custom).

But there are some other problems that remain:
* Missing "chip" icons for three platforms - 8k exe, Sam Coupe, and Atari Falcon
* At some point in Necta history, there was a mass-consolidation of songs into the PC (Custom) and PC (Other) platforms. That's where all the PC-Buzz, Psycle, Renoise, Reason etc. tunes went. I think the goal was not to split these by DAW since they are all "made on PC" anyway. But this is something we may wish to revisit in the future... as it stands, the PC platform feels overly stuffed and is only going to get worse as time goes on.

If you want to discuss those platform concerns, I recommend someone go start a new thread and debate - not here in the bug reports!
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