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PC-XMUZiD tIMZ by flag neriakX (Sven Schneider)
Requested By: flagzoi

Time Left: 5:50

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Forums » General » Report bugs here! (238 posts)
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Author Thread

9 Posts
#63 (6 years, 4 months ago)
Not exactly a bug, but at the stream-selection-page (, the mouse-over-infoboxes for thestreamlinks are a bit annoying as they block access to the links hidden beneath them. And I usually don't manage to move the mouse exactly horizontal into the link-line that I want to choose.
Would it be possible to make the infoboxes appear right beside the mousecursor or diagonal right-below them. Just so much, that the boxes don't completely hide the other links?
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#70 (6 years, 4 months ago)
Two days of solid CPU work, and we have replaygain data for all the songs! Thanks to flagmaep for pointing out a stupid bug that prevented us from having it in the first place.

On average, the stream will get 0.047dB softer, but some tunes saw a wild swing in volume - especially those that have been "replaced" (e.g. Someday (BeeZerk Remix) is quieter by a whole 7.28 dB!)

In the future, replaygain will be automatically computed on new song uploads or song replacements done through the site's admin panel.

If an individual song still seems too loud or too quiet, please mention it in forum Correct DB Info.
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#71 (6 years, 4 months ago)
I've updated the Youtube player in the sidebar to use the new <iframe> standard of embedding. It was previously relying on a Flash player, and disabled at some point in 2016. Thanks to flagPhlubby_Gnome for pointing me to the commit that disabled it, so I knew exactly where to start working.

The Time Left: 0:00 makes it kind of annoying - it will stick on a black screen after playback until you reload - but at least it plays! : )

If a Youtube video does not play (or appears to end immediately), there may be an incorrect value for ytvidoffset or ytvidid. You can correct this yourself by editing the song info!
Gone... to look for Good Old Nectarine

9 Posts
#72 (6 years, 4 months ago)
Almost every day we have an amazing news here!
Thanks for the excellent work STS-136!

18 Posts
#74 (6 years, 4 months ago)
Can't edit my profile. When I press "Update" button it says "Something unforseen happened in the great machinery." even when I haven't change anything or leave all fields blank.

16 Posts
#75 (6 years, 4 months ago)
Rumpel: try setting a new avatar, I had the same problem.

18 Posts
#76 (6 years, 4 months ago)
Yay, now it works! Thanks Shinobi.
Then the bug is that the clear avatar checkbox doesn't work
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#77 (6 years, 4 months ago)
Adding a tag sometimes doesn't work (maybe only if you're adding the first tag to an untagged song?). Example: go to song ID 25598 and tag with "StarTrek". You get an error: "Something unforseen happened in the great machinery." (BTW please correct spelling to "unforeseen", heh-heh.)
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#79 (6 years, 4 months ago)
Viewing an artist, sort by "Queue" column doesn't work. You would expect it to sort the songs by queue-ability (i.e. green "queue" button vs. yellow "locked" button) but it doesn't actually do anything.
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#80 (6 years, 4 months ago)
@mirrorbird, I just fixed that issue (was Chrome-specific). For those still having trouble, try shift-reloading to force new download of the Javascript file that does table-sorting.
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#81 (6 years, 4 months ago)
In addition to missing download links, there's some larger issues of "what should Nectarine host", "should we allow downloads?", artist control, and licensing. I would like to get some more clarity around this.

The bottom line is: I think Necta should allow people to download from the site, but only in cases where we have artist permission to redistribute. That can all be controlled by proper use of the Licenses category: some licenses allow downloads, others do not. Set the right license and the download link appears. (No, we will not do EVERYTHING IS DOWNLOADABLE - some artists have granted Necta permission to stream but not redistribute, and we will respect that. Yes, I know you can streamrip... no, we will not make your life easier.)

Unfortunately the current license setup is kind of a mess. We have a whole bunch of Creative Commons variants, one "commercial" non-license, one "Necta-BFF" (very poorly defined), and then... blank. Further, most tunes do not have a license set at all. We have no way of tracking the terms that allow it to be on the site.

I think a good solution would be:
* Add a free-form text entry to each song called "License / Permission Details". This is where you can put a bit of info about why we are allowed to host it. Something like, "I'm the artist and I grant permission", "I have artist permission, here's the email", "Specific CC license is CC-BY-ND-SA-4.0-NC-ASL-WTF-QWOP", etc. If for whatever reason we need to "prove" we can use a song, this text box will save our butts.
* Consolidate all the CC licenses together, placing the specific license name in the license details area
* Add a bogus license for "Scene Commons". This is for things released at a party or demo, without an explicit attached license, but it's on Pouet or Modarchive anyway. Sort of an implied CC-BY-SA-ND-NC.
* Add a Necta-BFF variant that allows downloads. Necta-BFF is for artists who want to grant Necta (specifically) permissions to stream and maybe download, but not as freely as a CC license.
* Massive effort to assign licenses to existing tunes in the DB.
* Finally, allow download of everything except Necta-BFF No Download, Commercial, and (No License). There is a bug here because this should be happening already, and the links aren't there.
* Eventually, remove any "commercial" song without allowable hosting terms.

This is a sometime-down-the-line effort, but I'd like to be planning for it before we go bulk replacing tunes with originals: it seems like it would be wise to do it at the same time, since we'll be combing through the db anyway.
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#86 (6 years, 4 months ago)
I hope this wasn't reported before. I have found a oneliner bug: basically you can write a series of messages and they won't appear in the order that you wrote them. Generally it seems that the SHORTER message will appear FIRST. So: suppose that I write a long paragraph "blahblahblah, long message here, etc. etc." and then a little post-script "...whicih doesn't matter anyway" -- it's very likely that the short message appears before the long one, even though that's not the correct time sequence (and of course that makes no sense when you read them). I don't remember this ever happening on the old Necta.

Presumably the quick fix is to attach a numeric ID or timestamp to each message, and sort them, but you know that.
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#87 (6 years, 4 months ago)
BTW can we get back on a bug-reporting system like GitHub? (I am not in love with GitHub because of the code of conduct.) But using a message forum thread makes it very hard to see what issue was fixed, and what issue is still outstanding, or won't be fixed. Thanks for considering.
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#90 (6 years, 4 months ago)
Good news: if you haven't noticed yet, flagcommunicator has updated the Streams page with four new streams! These additional relays do transcoding to lower bitrates and alternate formats, for users on metered or slow connections.

We've also updated the Streams page so the popup box should be much less annoying.


To answer some other questions:
* Yes, you can report things to Github issues if you prefer. is the link. I do still monitor this thread for those who don't want to create a GH account.
* I've had the same issue with Oneliner posts appearing out of order - it seems to be "whichever backend thread gets to the DB first", as each post attempt is a separate request. I'll add it to the list.
Amiga&C64 rulez

300 Posts
#91 (6 years, 4 months ago)
Hi refreshing fav page is bugging: when u req some of ur faved, the song remains "green" to req but when u click on it: it says "songs locked" !

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