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7 Days and 1 Week by flag Pyrex
Requested By: flaglatter

Time Left: 2:13

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Forums » General » Correct DB Info (455 posts)
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Author Thread
Steadily at the low level

76 Posts
#382 (5 years, 7 months ago)
At least the file sounded like the music on that YouTube link when I uploaded it. Most probably you have mistaken because of an update lag on the Currently Playing window.

2 Posts
#383 (5 years, 7 months ago)
I refresh too often to let Currently Playing affect me. I'm dead certain that something is wrong with the upload, and I am dead certain it didn't sound like it did whenever I played the game or like in the Youtube upload which appears to be a recording of a emulated game.
Could you link me to wherever you got your file? I checked AMP, and the upload there appears to be badly ripped or broken. It doesn't play quite right, it ALMOST plays right with the Fasttracker 2.x playback mode on Milkytracker, but not quite perfectly.

55 Posts
#384 (5 years, 7 months ago)
veeall and franz are both correct. Something wonderful (SCA virus joke) has happened meanwhile the database change and all, and the Amiga tune seems to have swapped with ehh.. Atari ST tune i think.

So if anyone has Amiga version, feel free to replace current one with that.

EDIT: yes it is the YM version, same as Cannon Fodder - Boothill
Steadily at the low level

76 Posts
#386 (5 years, 7 months ago)
One of my songs is marked as "Needs Re-Encoding" even though the file is uploaded (and thus checked) by me. Is it like damaged at some point or what?
Unplayed Requester™

89 Posts
#388 (5 years, 7 months ago)
The artist profile of flag fuzion_mixer is not yet linked to the user profile flagfuzion_mixer.
All I ever wanted was some Sunshine.

89 Posts
#411 (5 years, 7 months ago)
What is best/easiest method for adding aliases? i.e. should I create new artist profiles and then ask they be converted to aliases, or merely ask for new aliases to be added via this thread?

Here's the issue:
- Add artist Shiru. Real name should be Alex Semenov. (I would like to add new tunes under this alias with permission from Shiru.)
- Change flag Shiru Otaku (Aleksandr Semyonov) to be an alias of Shiru. (He says he uses Shiru more commonly.)
- (Not necessary to add aliases shiru8bit and shiru1bit since they provide convenience of uniqueness for user accounts, but mentioning here for completeness.)

I will refrain from making any changes until I understand how aliases are handled and the best way to make these changes.
Amiga&C64 rulez

294 Posts
#428 (5 years, 6 months ago)
Hi music is from Jean-Louis Valéro.

Not Unknown
symptomless coma

407 Posts
#429 (5 years, 6 months ago)
Could we merge the "Speccy" and "ZXSpectrum" tags? They mean the same thing, and there are far too many to do individually. I suggest keeping "Speccy", because even though it is slang, it will show up when someone starts typing "spec..." in the tag box. They are less likely to start typing "zx".
Amiga&C64 rulez

294 Posts
#431 (5 years, 6 months ago)
Serp can u check Krafton ?

18 Posts
#434 (5 years, 6 months ago)
already fixed
Please mark Zen Bowling as "need replacing" so I can upload FLAC version of it.
symptomless coma

407 Posts
#436 (5 years, 6 months ago)
Can anyone verify the spelling of flag Jonhywalker "Jonhywalker"? I assume he is named after "Johnnie Walker", a brand of Scotch whisky, but that's quite a misspelling
(I felt sure I'd seen his name in the MQM 5 megademo, but I checked and that was Johnny [or Johny] Renegade,, my mistake!)
zoner / xylem

33 Posts
#437 (5 years, 6 months ago)
It's probably "Johnny Walker", Probably german. Here is a Johnny Walker on AMP:

Their name is in sample text of the two MODs on there:

AMP has been known to also have some errors, though.
zoner / xylem

33 Posts
#438 (5 years, 6 months ago)
Ah, I take that back, there are probably more than one elusive johnny walkers, and I just stumbled upon a random other one that hasn't written any of the MODs the one you're wondering about wrote.
zoner / xylem

33 Posts
#439 (5 years, 6 months ago)
It's settled. Real handle is truly jonhywalker, as discovered in various Impulse Tracker files.
symptomless coma

407 Posts
#440 (5 years, 6 months ago)
We've got a "platform" for the Sam Coupé. For anyone who doesn't know, the Sam was a very unsuccessful and quite obscure British computer from around 1990, which had good compatibility with the older ZX Spectrum (so you could play all your old games) but was only slightly better in terms of graphics and sound, so everyone got an Atari ST or Amiga instead. It got a small handful of commercial games (a good Lemmings and Prince of Persia!) and also some demos.

So: we've got a Sam platform on here, with a pitiful 11 songs Discussing with VodkaBot on oneliner, we noted that it would make more sense to use the actual sound chip name as the platform: it's a Philips SAA1099. Do you guys agree? Poor Sammy hasn't even got an icon right now but I can do an "SAA" chip icon if we want one.
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