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PC-ITGoodbye .it (Hello xm) by flag ko0x
Requested By: flagColidace

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Forums » General » Correct DB Info (490 posts)
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Author Thread
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#2339 (10 months, 4 weeks ago)
Mystra please add the site to her artist page too. Thank you cutie.

87 Posts
#2340 (10 months, 3 weeks ago)
Wally: That makes sense. I've changed the title now.
Mirrorbird: Website added.

15 Posts
#2341 (10 months, 3 weeks ago)
Thank you! (posting for both being polite and the fact that I didn't find any other way to uncheck email updates :P)
Unplayed Requester™

96 Posts
#2356 (10 months, 2 weeks ago)
Can the title of "Texrock Data" be changed to "Texrock"? .DATA is the source file's format. Texrock
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#2360 (10 months, 1 week ago)
flag Michiel Soede is from the Netherlands
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#2362 (10 months, 1 week ago)
These three gents are all from flag : flag Chris Grigg ; flag Matthew Kane ; flag Brian Hales
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#2364 (10 months, 1 week ago)
flag FearofDark (Stephen Hemstritch-Johnston) 's real name apparently should be Stephen Hemstritch-Johnston
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#2372 (10 months ago)
Näkkileipä Korvassa ("Näkkileipä Korvassa") and Bread in Ear ("Bread in Ear") seem to be the same song. The Finnish and English titles have approximately the same meaning too.

87 Posts
#2375 (10 months ago)
Good find, mirrorbird. I've marked "Bread in Ear" as dupe. It was the one with less votes.
Amiga&C64 rulez

300 Posts
#2377 (9 months, 3 weeks ago)
Allô also member of Wild Copper !
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#2379 (9 months, 3 weeks ago)
dunno if this is the correct thread, but First Ray of Light I posted the same comment twice in a row, you can delete one of them if you would like to make me look less stupid.
I'm still stupid, but I could be less stupid.
Casual Guy

28 Posts
#2380 (9 months, 3 weeks ago)
Blueberry is a dupe of Blueberry
if possible, can the audio be replaced? since I've uploaded a cleaner render of it on the dupe (ripped from the disc image)
would be nice to transfer the additional info too...

EDIT: all info has been uploaded

341 Posts
#2381 (9 months, 3 weeks ago)
Hi, I'm not sure which of those songs to mark as Dupe. You uploaded info to one of them, but the other has history like song comments, votes, etc? I can't really transfer that kind of info between song pages. Technically it's possible but it would be a major pain.

mirrorbird: duplicate comment has been removed, cheers.
Quadlite rulez!

2 Posts
#2385 (9 months, 2 weeks ago)
Hi there!
The song is not correct. Its a dupe of (Journey through Galaxy).

I know that Darius made a Cover of the Lightforce music, though.
Unplayed Requester™

96 Posts
#2387 (9 months, 2 weeks ago)
JosephineLithius requested a removal of their comment in Battletoads - Title Screen.
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