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Forums » General » Correct DB Info (456 posts)
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Author Thread
symptomless coma

411 Posts
#2448 (4 months ago)
We show flag DeathJester (Joey Jaime) as flag but AMP says flag
symptomless coma

411 Posts
#2449 (4 months ago)
flag Bryface has a home page:
symptomless coma

411 Posts
#2454 (3 months, 3 weeks ago)
Xenon Arcane'76 has a broken YouTube link. I mean it's an erroneous URL, not just a 404.
symptomless coma

411 Posts
#2455 (3 months, 3 weeks ago)
flag Andy Fer (Andrei Aleksandrov) I am skeptical about the real name given. Demozoo says his name is Andrei Aleksandrov --
symptomless coma

411 Posts
#2456 (3 months, 3 weeks ago)
flassjazz should have status of Dupe, not Rejected.

15 Posts
#2461 (3 months, 3 weeks ago)

15 Posts
#2462 (3 months, 3 weeks ago)
Sorry for double post.

15 Posts
#2464 (3 months, 2 weeks ago)
Aivan Sanaton Laulu song name is 'Aivan sanaton laulu' as in
symptomless coma

411 Posts
#2467 (3 months, 2 weeks ago)
These might be dupes of the same song: All Doors Closed Bar Exit and All Doors Closed Bar Exit

1 Posts
#2468 (3 months, 2 weeks ago)
In the additional info for the song 36956, the correct name is "Ludovico Einaudi" and not Ludovica.


334 Posts
#2469 (3 months, 2 weeks ago)
Teo: In the future, you can change that yourself, by clicking the "Edit Information" link lower down on the song page. Changes go live after a moderator has reviewed them, basically to prevent vandalism.

Mirrorbird: Of those two u4ia tunes, I marked the first tune as a dupe, since it seemed to have less historical info attached, and I took the "02" off the title of the other one, as all those other tunes are titled "F8 - ...". Probably the 02 was a track number someone forgot to remove when they uploaded it.

Also fixed the flassjazz track and Andy Fer's real name. Not so sure about DeathJester - how do we find out which is correct?
symptomless coma

411 Posts
#2470 (3 months, 2 weeks ago)
Now that I have Staff bit again, I have added Bryface's home page.

Regarding DeathJester: he is actually interviewed here (and I've added the birth date), but he doesn't give away his country, except that his first computer was a TRS-80, which is more likely to be US than UK (but not conclusive).
He has also done some stuff under the name "Magicfiresheep", but that didn't help me stalk much
symptomless coma

411 Posts
#2471 (3 months, 2 weeks ago)
And regarding u4ia and the "F8": yes, evidently he released an 'album' and we ended up with the filenames with track numbers and artist name. I'll clean it up later.
symptomless coma

411 Posts
#2472 (3 months, 2 weeks ago)
_wally: thanks, I fixed the "Aivan..." title. The Ion Traxx one, that's beyond me, I hope someone else can check.

1 Posts
#2475 (3 months, 1 week ago)
flag !llegal!nstruction (Clinton Rogers) has a homepage:, is from flag, and real name is Clinton Rogers
the artist name they go by in their recent modarchive modules is simply 'illegalinstruction' - not stylised at all
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